... several days of crocus blooms. bonus, a total lunar eclipse at dawn goddess, Ēostre-Ostara, so a weekend of number 3 tetradiness and plenty of bluish purple flowers. apr 1 was first sighting. computus: ecclesiastical full moons; council of nicea. first council of nicea. easter-ostara is on the first sun day (Sól, diēs Dominica, Ra Day) after the paschal-passover full moon on or after mar 21, a fixed date, spring equinoxish on gregorian calendar. on julian time easter is apr 12. sister sun, brother moon. sun-Sól (sunday) is the sister of brother moon-Mani (monday). their father is Mundilfari, one of Saturn's (saturday) 62 moons. newton said the moon falls every day.
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