spiders overnight. one or 2 or 3 morning strands. there are bugs to be caught. flocking halfmoon gulls, dusk. the calls. and orion in your face, hot blue, and lower in the sky, a tall eternity, feet in the horizon. soon. buds. palm dots. ural false spirea, sorbaria sorbifolia 'sem' (rosaceae) est un fils de noé, attracts butterflies. a moon with Thor-Jupiter & Regulus-Alpha-Leonis. α Leo/nis: 1 of the brightest stars in the night sky, constellation Leo, a multiple 4 star system arranged in 2 pairs.
No. 4 of 4. synonyms... common names: parlor palm, parlour palm, neanthe bella palm, good luck palm. Genus: Chamaedorea. rainforest, understory, tropical & sub-tropical. southern Mexico, Guatemala, central America. the unopened inflorescences are edible.
snow fell again. 6-7-8 hours or so of daylight, 5x as much snow as usual. overall, piles, overcast monochromia, polar vortex. ice, frost quakes, phat frost, flash freeze... freezes. january 1st was new moon. palm study. geranium cuttings = root tangles.
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