supermoon. it's not pink. the first full moon of spring is called pink (accordingtothefarmersalmanac) due to corresponding springtime blooms of creeping phlox a wildflower in eastern north america. nothing of a wildflower sort is blooming here. this ranunculus is from the local nursery.
radishes like cool weather. a dragonfly came in with snowflowers. Armoracia rusticana, horseradish also in the family. Brassicaceae: inf. mustards, crucifers, or cabbage family. brassicas. a thousand genera. (kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli, turnips, watercress, bok choi, rutabaga.)
it's hot w/ dragonflies. & recipes - garlic scapes. - mushroomscape - 2 dream deer. coyotes, a pheasant, hawks. and one fine bush lily.
phenology & plant families
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