No. 4 of 4. synonyms... common names: parlor palm, parlour palm, neanthe bella palm, good luck palm. Genus: Chamaedorea. rainforest, understory, tropical & sub-tropical. southern Mexico, Guatemala, central America. the unopened inflorescences are edible.
snow fell again. 6-7-8 hours or so of daylight, 5x as much snow as usual. overall, piles, overcast monochromia, polar vortex. ice, frost quakes, phat frost, flash freeze... freezes. january 1st was new moon. palm study. geranium cuttings = root tangles.
this was difficult! pinching flowers off! ... trying to facilitate the ripening of what are atm, big green tomatoes. only one, a hint of red. autumnal, time's turning.
more than 2 months of fantastical cascading crimsons. it hadn't bloomed in years, decades, eons. Cactaceae, mashup.
whoa. what a big melt. the daisies have new shoots. (and here i've been indoors picking fallen palm flowers from the rug, with tweezers.) it's like. it's like... it's like half grass, half snow. w/chunks of ice. very unusually ... early! so, gave water, threw leaves, covered with snow. (not the fly) Arecaceae (palm) | Asteraceae (daisies)
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