yes it's true! apparently potatoes do flower in cool weather. the fruit is poisonous. it looks like cherry tomatoes.
Daylilies belong in the Hemerocallidaceae plant family (previously Liliaceae). Or is it Asphodelaceae aloes now and formerly grass tree Xanthorrhoeaceae. Genus: Hemerocallis
it took probably 20-25 hours of labour, got a quarter bucket. at a low minimum wage, it's $200/pound. the final sprouts were the cutest. so, opted for a kilo of mung beans at store: $15. it snowed and melted twice. deep leaves, ladybugs burrowing all over. a new moon. coulda planted earlier (was mid-july). woulda got more potatoes. shoulda put it in more sun (just 2-4 hours a day). the soil was so-so. shoulda not covered plant when condo-ing... maybe next year.
also, difficult: the vertical garden w/ pallet. a warm, long summer. into autumn. ergo. one additional tire of potatoes, planted on sept 1st. (!)
phenology & plant families
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