yes it's true! apparently potatoes do flower in cool weather. the fruit is poisonous. it looks like cherry tomatoes.
coyotes. a couple of swainson's hawks. gulls & geese. cedar waxwings at mountain ash berries (rosaceae. genus: sorbus). bald eagle. owl, robins. song. porcupines. still seeding, planning. the garden hardiness zone seems more like 2 or 3, or zero. last year's potatoes lasted almost all winter. many shard puddles. ladybugs, other beetles, ants, spiders, moths. a definite sign of spring and it just keeps snowing. prairie crocuses... april's a pink {sprouting grass, egg, fish} moon, farmer's almanac. the giant ice cubes, receding.
this was difficult! pinching flowers off! ... trying to facilitate the ripening of what are atm, big green tomatoes. only one, a hint of red. autumnal, time's turning.
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