rain and hail and mist and hot and 2 dragonflies. blue jays. robins. chickadees. sparrows. a kestrel with 1 sparrow. hawks. red-wing blackbirds. a bat. trying to determine butterflies. so there's a white admiral that's actually black with white bands, quite a few. an orange-black with jaggedy wings, or its white rim is an illusion of jaggedness. painted lady? red admiral? monarch? fluttery white ones, and tiny in-the-grass ones. conclusion. butterflies are difficult to chase and gone in split seconds. 4-dot ladybugs. several big (edible-looking) mushrooms. gophers. thunderstorms. centipedes.
It was broken by hail, slightly. Well, okay. It was mangled. Matteuccia struthiopteris. fiddlehead fern, ostrich fern, shuttlecock fern. Onoclea struthiopteris. Onocleaceae {Aspidiaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Polypodiaceae}
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