cross quarter day. end of harvest and beginning of darker-half.
new year cf. beltane (spring-summer ~Apr30), cetsamhain. 4 seasons: samhain, imbolc, beltane, and lughnasadh 4 festivals astronomically between solstice and equinox. celtic days begin and end at sunset. orion rising spiders overnight. one or 2 or 3 morning strands. there are bugs to be caught. flocking halfmoon gulls, dusk. the calls. and orion in your face, hot blue, and lower in the sky, a tall eternity, feet in the horizon. soon. buds. palm dots. ural false spirea, sorbaria sorbifolia 'sem' (rosaceae) est un fils de noé, attracts butterflies. a moon with Thor-Jupiter & Regulus-Alpha-Leonis. α Leo/nis: 1 of the brightest stars in the night sky, constellation Leo, a multiple 4 star system arranged in 2 pairs.
flights of geese, magpies, red-breasted nuthatches. leporids, rabbits and hares, some droves of absolute white magic jacks, Lepus townsendii. the hares are nocturnal, mostly graze on moonbeams. lepus is a constellation below orion. ursa or canis wolf lupus or coyote not: lupus, ursa, latrans.
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