magpie with twig, feb 11 centipede skunks more magpies & crows with twigs robins, gulls red squirrels blue jays, lots of geese, pairs of ducks snow, ice, rain ravens cedar waxwings, woodpeckers hares spiders, flies, ladybugs, butterfly vernal tilt.
spider webs. there must be insects. geese & ducks flying. mild weather, perhaps a robin song. blue jays. downy woodpecker on black knot fungus (Apiosporina morbosa). pair of northern flickers. white hares.
blue jays. flickers. great horned owl. hairy woodpecker. ravens. robins. hawks aplenty, 1 wingèd stoop. crows. a hornworm.* butterflies. bees. 2 coyotes. a skunk. rabbits, 1 juvenile. 2 fawns. a ladybug in flight. wild raspberries. a tall sunflower grove. *Whoa, sphinx moths can have up to a 14" proboscis.
**Amaranthaceae - spinach, beet, sugarbeet, chard, quinoa, 'pigweed family' rain and hail and mist and hot and 2 dragonflies. blue jays. robins. chickadees. sparrows. a kestrel with 1 sparrow. hawks. red-wing blackbirds. a bat. trying to determine butterflies. so there's a white admiral that's actually black with white bands, quite a few. an orange-black with jaggedy wings, or its white rim is an illusion of jaggedness. painted lady? red admiral? monarch? fluttery white ones, and tiny in-the-grass ones. conclusion. butterflies are difficult to chase and gone in split seconds. 4-dot ladybugs. several big (edible-looking) mushrooms. gophers. thunderstorms. centipedes.
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